Welcome to my Blog~

I am keen to have ART in my life and enjoy all fundamentals of ART, the creative & social side of it.
Finding out the how's and what's of ART is so intruging to me.
Mixed media is my first love, collage, glueing, sticking ~ bringing the creation to life. Having Fun with Art :)
Then sketching, drawing & doodling ~ especially in the phone book:) Husband hates that.
I have enjoyed different concepts of Art from Book Making to Mosaics, Painting and sketching.
Just being creative leaves you with a wonderful feeling.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Australia Day - Cultural Award Nomination :)

Travelled to Banana on Australia Day to attend the Official Ceremony at 2pm. I had received a letter of Nomination for the Australia Day - Cultural Award for the Shire on Christmas Eve which really surprised me. The ceremony was held at the Hall in Banana, all nominations were presented with Certificates of Nomination and the Moura Nomination received the award. Congratulations to her. I was nominated by the RADF Committee here in the Banana Shire.
Below is a photo of Col Nutley, Cultural Services & Council Promotions for the Banana Shire and myself. Col is part of the RADF committee and I Thank you everyone involved in my Nomination. I really do appreciate your time & support with considering me for this nomination.

Nominations for the Cultural Award 2009.
Lady in the pink was awarded with the Award. Congratulations.

I came in style..................hehehehe
No it turned up out of the blue and I got a photo beside it.
Suits me doesn't it. Looks like my kind of car.

My son, Mal enjoying the afternoon, Go Aussie!!!
Daughter Maggie, checking out the afternoon.

We stayed on for the afternoon and there was a Tug of War, Banana Throwing, Thong Throwing and Horse & Coach Rides. Banana Throwing cracked me up....not to sure about throwing them around, gets pretty messy after a few throws. Everyone had good fun. Well Done Banana Australia Day Committee. Next year it is to be hosted in Biloela. Look forward to it next year.

1 comment:

Tracey Hewitt said...

Hi Kym,
Congratulations on your nomination! I'm on the RADF committee - so I knew about it, but thought I'd best keep mum about it at the time...:)

A well deserved nomination, I thought!!

Hope to actually catch up with you 'in person' at some stage in the near future - I'm looking at the BAVA Calendar....

Congratulations one more,


"Coffee & Tea Works!" Exhibition 2007

"Coffee & Tea Works!" Exhibition 2007
Celebration of a Cuppa (SOLD Banana Shire Council Art Acquistion 2007)

"ArtShoes" Exhibition 2007

"ArtShoes" Exhibition 2007
Shoes on the Brain (SOLD)

Kym @ ART Gallery

Kym @ ART Gallery
Magic of Mixed Media 1

Magic of Mixed Media 2

"Hebel" Workshop '07 with Rosemary Anderson.

"Hebel" Workshop '07 with Rosemary Anderson.
Still not sure if I will pursue a career in Hebel?? :) There is a story to my Seahorse, I'll tell you if you ask......

BAVA 2007 ~ February at Sarah Larsen's Studio

BAVA 2007 ~ February at Sarah Larsen's Studio
Entrance to Sarah's Hayshed Studio:)

"Drawing for Beginners" Workshop "06

"Drawing for Beginners" Workshop "06
Still Life ~ One of my first Charcoal pieces.

Coptic Book Binding with Di Tait ~ March 2008

Coptic Book Binding with Di Tait ~ March 2008

"Drawing for Beginners" Workshop '06

"Drawing for Beginners" Workshop '06
From Charcoal to Ink ~ That was Fun:)

"Mosaic Madness" Workshop '07

"Mosaic Madness" Workshop '07
Getting Started- Flower Power

"Mosaic Madness" Workshop '07

"Mosaic Madness" Workshop '07
Havin Fun Grouting the Mosaic :)